
Friday, 16 September 2016

The Best Opportunity!

The Best Opportunity!

For the past term, Yaldhurst Model School and about 100 other schools have been planning and creating movies, animations and much more, for the 2016 Digi Awards!
My group: Hannah, Prudence, Violet and I made a Digi Award in the Digital SandPit category.

Our Digi Award was called ‘Be The Change’ (which is not fun also the theme of the 2016 Digi Awards)
Our Digi Award was created using Minecraft.

About a week ago, Miss Blair got an email from the Digi Award creators, saying that they wanted our group to come to the Digi Award prizegiving.
When we found out that we were either going to get, 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, we were very excited because we didn’t think it was that good!

The Digi Award prizegiving came around the corner very quickly, last night was the night we found out what placing we came.

The prizegiving started at 7:00PM and finished around 8:20PM.
The night started off with a warming welcome. The first category they showed was Digital Art. One of our students from Te Pihinga won 1st place!
The next category was Movie Making. We had two entries for a placing in this category, a group from Te Pihinga and a whole class entry from Te Kakano.
The group from Te Pihinga ‘The Villain’ was about a bully changing into a hero. They won 1st place! The entry from Te Kakano won 3rd place!
The last category our school was entered in for a placing was Digital SandPit.

It was time to wait for our group to be called up to the stage with our placing. They called each placing up starting with 3rd, then 2nd and finally 1st!

At this moment we thought they brought us here for nothing because they hadn’t announced our group.
But then they said our group for 1st place! We all had mixed emotions. It all felt like a dream; we couldn’t believe we had just won 1st place!

We got out of our seats and walked onto the stage shaking of excitement. They presented our Digi Award on the big screen.
When we got back to our seats we opened the bag of goodies and realised that we had just won a Google Cardboard each!
If you don’t know what Google Cardboard is here is a link to a website that tells you all about Google Cardboard:

After that we didn’t really pay any attention to any of the other awards because we were still in shock.
Until they did the prize draw. The prize they were giving away was a brand new ChromeBook. DRUM ROLL PLEASE… The Villain from Yaldhurst Model School! When they announced the winner we all stood up clapping and cheering! On the way home, we added up all of the prizes each school got and realised that our school had won the most prizes out of any other schools!

Here is our Digi Award
Hope you enjoy!

From the night, I realised some things we should've changed. E.g. re-edit some things to make sure everything is spelt correctly.
Some things we found challenging from creating our Digi Award were; that we had a tough time making each of our creations in the movie because we couldn't help each other create them.

Thank you for watching and feel free to comment down below what you thought of our Digi Award!


  1. I was overjoyed on the Digi Awards night to see so many of the hard working students from YMS acknowledged. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate everyone's hard work in such a public setting.

    Well done for your efforts and for writing such a detailed recount about the night. I guess now you have had a little taste of what it must be like for people at Awards Shows when they wait to see if they have won.

    Has winning bolstered you on to attempting other digital creations? Or do you think you would be creative regardless of whether you won?

    Thanks for shining the spotlight on Yaldhurst Model School.

  2. Hi Laura,

    It was such a fun night wasn’t it? I think I was shaking because I didn’t want our video to be shown.

    Great post Laura. Looking forward to more posts!

    Yaldhurst Model School, Christchurch


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