
Thursday, 31 March 2016

William Pike Challenge Award, Surfing

On Monday 21st March the Year 7/8s from Rimu Class went surfing for the day at Sumner Beach as our first Outdoor Challenge for the William Pike Award.

It wasn't how I expected it at all because on tv people are really good and then we were like newbies so it was really weird watching everyone.
The things I found challenging were standing up on the board and remembering all the movements.
Some interesting things I found out about my classmates were that some had surfed before and some hadn't but overall I think everyone had a blast.
When I do it again I will probably remember some of the movements that we learnt. 

Below is My Poem:


I smelt the disgusting salty air.
I smelt the salty water.
I smelt fish & chips.

I heard dogs barking as they were chasing after sticks.
I heard the waves crashing down on each other.
I heard people cheering people on when they achieved their goals.
I heard seagulls fighting over salty chips.

I felt the water touch my skin as I stepped in the water.
I felt the salty water burn my eyes.
I felt my board whack me on the head.
I felt my head banging in my brain.

I tasted the salty water run down my throat.
I tasted the salt on my lips.
I saw dogs chasing after each other.
I saw people staring at us and taking pictures.
I saw the waves pushing people off their boards.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Laura! You stood up on a surfboard. Some people have never felt that sensation. Some say that surfing becomes a way of life so be careful if you get hooked on the wave action.

    I love your poem and you have certainly placed emphasis in the salt. I was in the ocean so much over the Christmas holidays that my tear ducts could not salinate my eyes. for a couple of hours it was a little painful.

    You have asked all of the questions I was going to ask so I have come up with this one. How important is the ocean when it comes to producing oxygens for humans?

    I look forward to your next blog post.


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